Edward Two Hawk


J-camp welcomes Pine Ridge resident




In South Dakota many people share a love of fishing, hunting, swimming, hiking or any other imaginable outdoor adventure. Edward TwoHawk is no exception to this tradition.


TwoHawk was born in Torrington, Wyo. When he was three years old he moved to Pine Ridge, S.D. Up until now, he has enjoyed the South Dakota life; becoming a true Midwestern.


Along with his naturalistic side, TwoHawk also is a sentimental writer, capable of expressing his inner most thoughts from idea to word. TwoHawk is currently attending a journalism camp at SDSU. He was chosen from his school to attend the camp because he is a true to the heart, well developed, creative young journalist.


“I enjoy writing because I am able to express my thoughts and feelings.” said 11th grader Ed TwoHawk.


Among his hodgepodge of other interests, Ed loves: the color green, the TV show Spongeob Squarepants, stars, Chinese food (who doesn’t), fishing, baseball, and the famous actor Jon Seda.


SpongeBob Squarepants is awesome and will make any human soul laugh.” said TwoHawk.


TwoHawk hopes to graduate high school in 2012, continue to college and to some day have a family of his own. The scratched surface of TwoHawk has just been breeched as his J-camp experience continues with new friends, new knowledge, and hopes to become the writer he has always wanted to be.

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